A musical – theatrical method – performance in search of… our Annabel

I dare not go: there’s no hope anymore.

Why should I fly? They’ll still my steps waylay!

It is so wretched, forced to beg my living,

And a bad conscience sharper misery giving!

It is so wretched, to be strange, forsaken,

And I’d still be followed and taken!

Αnnabel |Goldfrapp
Faust | Goethe
Woman in an Armchair | Picasso


Αnnabel – BelleArteLΑmia : 

With the participation of 25 performers for an audience of only 50 people, created by the Art Director of BelleArteLAmia, Giorgos Papastamoulos. “Annabel” is a “lonely path” made by three favorite works of art: “FAUST”, the theatrical play by Goethe, “Annabel”, the song by Goldfrap and ” Woman in an Armchair”, the painting by Pablo Picassso!

For over 3 hours, the 50 viewers – participants “followed” the instructions of the 25 performers at ArtLand “Xwra” in the summer of 2016.

Consept – Artwork: Papastamoulos Giorgos

Procuction: BelleArteLAmia – Oeta Festival

Under the Aegis of

Ministry of Culture / Administration of Contemporary Culture

Province of Central Greece

Municipality of Lamia