The “Richter” theatrical group presented an experimental stage setting on the life and death of teenage fighter hero Iro Konstantopoulou.
On the night of Friday, July 12, 2019, at ArtLand “Xwra”, we “witnessed” the murder of a 17-year-old hero, Iro Kostantopoulou, who was not afraid of the Nazis “shouting”: Don’t cut my tongue …. Iro was murdered with 17 bullets, exactly as her age at the time!!!
The “Richter” theatrical group presented us with an experimental stage setting on the life and death of teenage fighter hero Iro Konstantopoulou in a text by Niki Andrikopoulou! A text that strikes directly in your soul making you realize that we have unfortunately been defeated!
“Shame. When you want to change the world and you can’t. Shame. When you want to die and not be able to. Shame. To get used to death every day. Bodies as sacks. Words as trash… »
Marenia Karagianni in the role of Iro is making it look so “easy” to act as an adolescent schoolgirl being between fear and heroism !!!
Konstantinos Maroukas tossed us into the claustrophobic place of Merlin Street with his dramaturgical editing making us “feel” the fear of darkness and enclosure!
A stunning performance adapted for the stone venue of ArtLand “Xwra”! Our profit? Realizing our “defeat” … hoping that the rebellion is coming… using 17 year old Iro as an example!!!
Text: Niki Andrikopoulou
Dramatic Editing: Konstantinos Marougas
Music: Danae Nielsen
Motion: Vanessa Spinasa
Video projections – photography: Petros Delatolas
Lighting: Serafina Sideri
Promo video: Kostas Karagiannis
Performed by: Niki Andrikopoulou, Marenia Karagianni, Konstantinos Marougas
Directed by: “Richter” theater group